Who We Are

Quaker Institute for the Future (QIF) envisions a global future in which humanity is in right relationship with the commonwealth of life. QIF seeks to generate insight, knowledge and wisdom that informs public policy and enables us to treat all humans and the whole commonwealth of life as a sacred community. QIF conducts research using practices of collaborative spiritual discernment based on the Quaker tradition of “meeting for worship for business.” The Institute creates the opportunity for scholars and activists to investigate their areas of interest and commitment within the Spirit-led context of Quaker testimonies, other traditions, truth seeking and public service.


Insight and understanding born of collaborative discernment on social, economic, and ecological concerns.

Research Seminars

Spirit-led research using Quaker methods of reflection and discernment.

The 2024 Summer Research Seminar will be held online from August 12 through 16. QIF Youth Grants in the amount of $500 are available to support presenters age 18-35.

For recordings of some Recent Summer Research Seminars  see the QIF YouTube channel: 

Circles of Discernment

Small study groups that examine particular themes and concerns. Currently active circles have been meeting on “Bridging Our Polarities” (Bridging Divides in an Era of Polarization, reprinted with permission here), “The Monetary System” (see The Money System and the World We Seek) , “Moving Beyond Colonial Legacies”, and “Homelessness and Housing Justice”. Other recent CoDs are “Regenerative Agriculture” and “Smarter Planet or Wiser Earth? Dialogue and Collaboration in the Era of Artificial Intelligence”

News and Events

May 2024: The 2024 Summer Research Seminar will be held online from August 12 through 16. QIF Youth Grants in the amount of $500 are available to support presenters age 18-35.

April 2024: Read the Quaker Institute for the Future Epistle on Responding to the Threat of Overwhelming Climate Change

January 2024: We are continuing to offer Youth Grants for Activist Researchers and are looking for applicants as well as cosponsoring organizations.

July 2023: Now available, “Smarter Planet or Wiser Earth? Dialogue and Collaboration in the Era of Artificial Intelligence,”
by Gray Cox, published by Quaker Institute for the Future and Producciones de la Hamaca

June 2023: A new Clerk’s Post on Artificial Intelligence and Collaborative Wisdom  has been added to the Blog.

More Ways to Find QIF Online

Read the blog, visit us on Facebook or the QIF YouTube channel.

Quaker Institute for the Future