The Quaker Institute for the Future’s 2022 Summer Research Seminar was held from August 8-12, 2022 using Zoom. There was no registration fee; instead, participants in QIF videoconferencing seminars are encouraged to make a donation to QIF that is within their means.
Please share this notice with Monthly and Yearly Meetings, Quaker groups and anyone else who might be interested in participating next year.
QIF Summer Research Seminars create a venue for spirit-led research using Quaker methods of discernment and reflection. The seminars are centered around research presentations that occur within a setting of collaborative discernment conducted as a “meeting for worship for sharing.” Emphasis is placed on supporting those who choose to present the work that they are doing through worship together, along with additional time for questions, clarification, and discussion. Time is also reserved for theme-based discussions, worship sharing, artistic and other creative sharing, and informal interactions among participants. More information about summer research seminars is available here.
We welcome those who wish to make a plenary presentation followed by worshipful discernment including all in attendance, as well as those who just wish to attend without making a formal presentation.
Stipends for young scholars
Again this year, QIF offered $300 stipends to applicants aged 18 to 35 years old to make a presentation on research that resonates with the QIF mission of advancing a global future of inclusion, social justice, and ecological integrity through Spirit-led participatory research and discernment.
What QIF asks of successful applicants: QIF will expect successful applicants to make a research presentation of 20-30 minutes during the SRS. The presentation will be followed by a period of Spirit-led discernment involving all participants at the SRS. Because the success of the SRS will depend on participants creating a sense of gathered community within the on-line format, we also ask all stipend recipients to attend as much of the SRS as possible given other time demands. Finally, we would like each stipend recipient to write a short reflection (a few paragraphs) about their SRS experience, which QIF can share as a blog post on the QIF website.
The SRS organizing committee will hold one or more orientation sessions for stipend recipients and will be generally available to help stipend holders to prepare for the SRS.
Application requirements: Applicants aged 18-35 years are requested to submit an application providing the following information:
– short description of the presentation topic (around 200-400 words)
– how the presentation aligns with the QIF mission of advancing a global future of inclusion, social justice, and ecological integrity through Spirit-led participatory research and discernment
– status of the research, i.e. are you just getting started, mid-way through, or nearing the end?
– the kind of discernment you seek (e.g., if you are just starting your research, maybe you want more of a “brainstorming” response, whereas if you are mid-way through or near the end, you may have specific questions or issues for which you seek more clarity)
– Contact information for one or two references, i.e. people who are familiar with you and your work.
Stipend applications are due July 1 and successful applicants will be notified by July 15.
Registration and more information
Please fill out this registration form to attend and/or present.
You may contact Gray Cox at for additional information about the SRS, including more about the stipends and how to apply for them.
Schedule and Supporting Information
Here is the Updated QIF SRS 2022 Program 8 8 22
To help create a safe space for all, we invite participants to use the “Ouch, Whoa, Oops” model: Ouch Whoa Oops Handout
Here is Facing Reality by Leonard Joy, which will be the starting basis for the dialogue on climate change Monday afternoon
Here is an informational slideshow Climate Dialogue
Here is QIF Memoir and Appreciation by Keith Helmuth and the updated Prospectus for a Quaker Think Tank
Here is an informational slideshow Bridging Polarities