Clerk’s Post 8/2/22: “Responding to the Urgent Call”

Clerk’s Post: “Responding to the Urgent Call” As the QIF Summer Research Seminar approaches next week, I am mindful that the 20th anniversary of the start of QIF is approaching next year and wondering: What now are we called to do? And in the face of the urgent challenges we face, how might we best …

Clerk’s Post 12/20/21 — “On the Eve of the Solstice in a Season of Lights: News and Reflections from the Clerk’s Post”

I would like to share a bit of news and then also some reflections on the season we are in. One key piece of news is that the dates for the 2022 Summer Research Seminar have been set. It will be held from Monday, August 15th through Friday, August 19th. It will be held again …

Quaker Institute for the Future